From 01.06.2018 until 28.03.2019 Association for Progress, Education and Lobbying in partnership with CooLabora from Portugal, Roter Baum from Germany and Arci Strauss from Italy implemented the project Chance 2 Change.
The project was financed by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission.
The idea was to raise awareness among the people about the problem with bullying and cyber violence. Our aims were to encourage the active participation of youngsters in their local community, to find innovative solutions to prevent the bullying and the intolerance, especially in the schools, and to train the youth workers and their organizations on work with young people on this topic through sharing experiences and ideas.
As outputs of this project we have created an online toolbox containing games and exercises connected with bullying and cyber violence, and a volunteer self-assessment mobile app.
Download the app here: Self-assessment tool (Google Play Store)