Асоцијацијата за напредок, едукација и лобирање – НЕЛ од Скопје, објавува отворен повик за 3 учесника од Македонија за обука на тема “The last resort“.
Обуката ќе се одржи во Валенсија, Шпанија од 14-ти до 21-ви мај 2018, во рамките на програмата Еразмус+ на Европската Комисија.
Сместувањето и храната се целосно покриени од страна на организаторите, како и патните трошоци до 275 евра. Услов за учество е пријавените да имаат од 18 години и да се способни да комуницираат на англиски јазик, бидејќи тој е работен јазик на проектот.
Во продолжение прочитајте повеќе детали за проектот, а доколку сте заинтересирани да учествувате на обуката, испратете пополнет апликационен формулар или прашање на contact@pel.mk со назнака „The last resort“ најдоцна до 7-ми април.
The purpose of the project “The Last Resort” is to raise awareness among the European youth about a humanitarian catastrophe without precedents, that we have so close but yet we do not fully understand: the refugees crisis.
The main objectives of the project are:
● to promote the inclusion of people with fewer opportunities, with a special focus on refugees, through a cooperative methodology
● to work elbow to elbow with our partners, coming from different countries that are key to understand the refugee crisis, to raise awareness among our youth about the importance of solidarity and international fraternity as an answer to the humanitarian crisis
● to produce a short documentary that will serve to spread the ideas of this project
● to promote audiovisual creation as a motor to kickstart social and cultural change in Europe
● to give our partners tools to promote non-formal education through the use of ICT and videography
A Training Course , in which 21 youth workers will meet to learn how to apply audiovisual creation and the TIC to non-formal education, so they can use it as a tool to raise social awareness. Through this course, the participants will learn how to carry out workshops and activities for youngsters in their home countries, in which they can take advantage of technologies such as smart phones and social media.
For this training course we do not require that participants have any previous knowledge of ICT or audiovisual workflow, but people who have it will be more than welcome. What we do need, is that participants are interested in the audiovisual work and are willing to learn about it.
The purpose of the Training Course is to give youth workers the skills and competences needed in order to apply audiovisual creation to the work with youth.
To achieve this, we will have activities that will develope not only the technical competences, but also the organizational and psychological aspects of film. By the end of the training, the participants are expected to know how to coordinate a small audiovisual project at a basic level. We will do this through a cooperative methodology developed by Cremant Muses. Once the youth workers have the knowledge and know the tools to organize a small audiovisual production, and they know how to apply this to their work, they will be asked to carry out a training activity in their home countries , in which they can test the methodology and train themselves for the activities that will take place during the Youth Exchange.