Асоцијацијата за напредок, едукација и лобирање – НЕЛ од Скопје, објавува отворен повик за 3 учесника од Македонија за обука на тема “Enter in Entrepreneurship – From Idea to Action“.

Обуката ќе се одржи во Сараево, Босна и Херцеговина од 8-ми до 15-ти јули 2016, во рамките на програмата Еразмус+ на Европската Комисија.

Сместувањето и храната се целосно покриени од страна на организаторите, како и патните трошоци до 180 евра. Услов за учество е пријавените да имаат над 18 години и да се способни да комуницираат на англиски јазик, бидејќи тој е работен јазик на проектот.

Во продолжение прочитајте повеќе детали за проектот, а доколку сте заинтересирани да учествувате на обуката, испратете пополнет апликационен формулар или прашање на contact@pel.mk со назнака „Enter in Entrepreneurship“ најдоцна до 19-ти јуни.


This project which support 102 youth workers, 11 organisations from Albania, Macedonia, Estonia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Spain and Bosnia and Herzegovina, and over 5000 young people (members/activists/young people of whole consortium) to get empowered through information and concrete tools in entrepreneurship education in local and international level.

Training course in managerial skills for youth workers. This activity aim to improve the competencies of youth worker in managerial and leadership skills, necessary for initiating Start-up, social enterprise, youth enterprise. Different soft skills will be explored, necessary to have for a young person to initiate entrepreneurship activities. Participants will get concrete information about innovative skills, how to use creativity, critical thinking, financial strategy, risk management, what is a business plan, how to build step by step a business plan, how to build a start up, how to initiate and build a social enterprise, marketing issues ect. The important part of the training will be to establish the connection of all mentioned above with work done from each partner organisation in local level while working with youngsters with fewer opportunities. As well on site visit and the support provided by EC through different policies and programmes for young people will take a special space in the programme.


You need to pay in cash when you come here, or we will reimburse you less 10 EUR for travel costs.


Accommodation will be located in “Braca Mujic” hotel- Sarajevo.

All participants will be accommodated in shared bedrooms (2, 3 beds). In the room there is a toilet, bathroom, TV, towel, hair-dryer and air-conditioner. Please bring your own Slipper/sandal and there is free wifi-connection on the venue.

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