Асоцијацијата за напредок, едукација и лобирање – НЕЛ од Скопје, објавува повик за 4 учесника од Македонија на возраст од 18-30 години и 1 лидер без старосно ограничување за младинска размена на тема “We feel Europe” .

Младинската размена ќе се одржи во Поградец, Албанија од 12-ти до 20-ти јануари 2018, во рамките на проектот “Leaders of Future” финансиран од програмата Еразмус+ на Европската Комисија.

Сместувањето и храната се целосно покриени од страна на организаторите, како и патните трошоци до 180 евра. Услов за учество е пријавените да имаат од 18 години и да се способни да комуницираат на англиски јазик, бидејќи тој е работен јазик на проектот.

Во продолжение прочитајте повеќе детали за проектот, а доколку сте заинтересирани да учествувате на размената, испратете пополнет апликационен формулар или прашање на contact@pel.mk со назнака “We feel Europe” најдоцна до 3-ти јануари.


“Leaders of Future’ is capacity building activity involving 8 partner organizations from Western Balkans  and  programme  countries,  gathered  around  the  need  to  assure  sustainability  of  international component of their work, by improving competences and supporting learning of 24 youth leaders and youth workers of the new generation.

The objectives of the projects will be achieve through 3 mobility activities – a training course for leaders and organizers of international youth activities (in Albania) for 32 participants, as well as two youth exchanges (in Albania and FYROM) which will gather in total of 82 young people.

Another aim of the project is to create an Internet portal for exchange, learning and support, as well as mentorship process for participants in the project, but also other young people who are willing to create and implement a youth exchange in future.

Further visibility of the project, dissemination of its results and outputs will be achieved through large-scale  final  youth  event  that  will  gather  all  partners,  participants  and  other  youth  organizations, institutions, networks and public authorities in Balkan area.

This  project  strives  to  achieve  long-term  and  sustainable  support  for  new  generation  of  youth leaders and youth workers in partner organizations and as such will serve as an example of good practice and  starting  point  for  advocacy  for  greater  support  to  other  capacity  building  programs  for  youth workers.

Activities  planned  in  the  project  are  in  international  and  local  level  combined  together  and following a logical line. Methodology used during the whole project is based in non formal education approach  with  a  variety  of  methods  such  as  group  work,  reflections,  brainstorming,  simulations, exercises, outdoor activities.

The aim of this youth exchange is to provide training course participants with opportunity to put their new competences into practice. They will explore the citizens’ attitude towards topic and make a public panel discussion about them. They will also find out about different online and offline tools to make a successful campaign.

The exchange will tackle also on-going European problems, such as: intercultural diversity suffering from discrimination and xenophobia and refugee crisis.


–     Eligible participants should be young people, youth workers, volunteer coordinators; people actively involved in youth work in local programs, at least one staff member of the partner organization;

–     be aged between 18 and 30 years old and resident in respective partner countries;

–     be able to work in English;

–     be available and fully committed to take part in the training;

–     be involved in youth work at a local/national level for at least two years;

–     be curious, open-minded, appreciate diversity and learn about each other’s realities;

–     be  motivated  to  learn  and  to  apply the  values  and  approaches  of  the  training  course  by actively initiate activities in the field of youth

What should you prepare in advance?

  • Please prepare a short description of your work in your NGO, some of its projects, main areas of work in English to present them the other participants. Bring with you any type of promotional materials that you would like to show.
  • Be  ready  to  participate  in  an  NGO  fair  with  other  partner  organizations.  Please bring some typical food, drink, national specialties, songs, instruments, brochures etc. to present your culture to the rest of the group.
  • Good mood and enthusiasm

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