Повик за учесници за обука во Тирана, Албанија

Асоцијацијата за напредок, едукација и лобирање (НЕЛ)  од Скопје има потреба од 3 учесници од Македонија за обука на тема  „Let’s Empower Rural Areas (LERA) “, која ќе се одржи во Тирана, Албанија од 15-ти до 22-ри мај 2014, во рамките на програмата „Млади во Акција“ (Youth in Action) на Европската Комисија.

Сместувањето и храната се целосно покриени од страна на организаторите, како и 70% од патните трошоци. Учесниците мора да се способни да комуницираат на англиски јазик, бидејќи тој е работен јазик на проектот.

Во продолжение прочитајте повеќе детали за проектот, а доколку сте заинтересирани да учествувате или имате дополнителни прашања испратете мејл на contact@pel.mk со назнака „Обука во Тирана“, најдоцна до 1-ви маj 2014.

This training course shall bring together young motivated youth workers and volunteers from SEE and EU countries working in geographically isolated areas, in a 7 days program to be hosted in Tirana to have the possibility to acquire skills and abilities and develop competences on the topic of youth participation for a ustainable development in rural areas.

LERA will gather young youth workers from rural areas which are less developed and remote (‘geographically isolated’ or ‘disadvantaged’) to exchange their opinions, ideas and best ractices on different topics related to empowerment through active participation in rural areas.

The aim of the project is to boost the involvement of young people in the countryside, how to overcome linguistic barriers, gain support from family and the local community, how to solve practical issues through providing them with a space to get new skills and develop existing ones.

The training will be implemented using the non formal education methodology, learning by doing approach and the experiential learning cycle. The program will be executed through a variety of workshops and sessions to be further enriched by the experienced team of trainers that will work on the 7 days program.


a.  Foster & enhance the participation of youth from rural areas in social and community life;

b.  Promote young people’s active citizenship & their European citizenship;

c.  Empower youth leaders and youth workers with knowledge and skills for active participation and inclusion;

d.  Help young people to create possibilities for themselves through the active youth participation.

e.  Create an inspiring week & promote volunteering and YiA as a tool to empower young people.

The training will be implemented using the non formal education methodology, learning by doing approach and the experiential learning cycle. The program will be executed through a variety of workshops and sessions to be further enriched by the experienced team of trainers that will work on the 7 days program.

Participants profile:
The course is open to youth workers, youth leaders and volunteers in youth organisations interested in the topic of the training course.

LERA will be implemented in Tirana, Albania and you will be accomodated in a newly refurbished youth hostel. “MyHostel” can be found online at www.myhostel.al
You will stay in MyHostel, that is located in Don Bosko neighborhood very close to the center of Tirana. The place is new and has all the necessary facilities for developing a qualitative project and making your stay comfortable. We will be working inside and also in the outdoor of the hostel for a bit of fresh air during the working days of the TC.

Three meals per day and 2 coffee breaks will be served in the kitchen of the hostel, respecting your dietary needs and making sure you receive freshly cooked food.

You will be staying 2-3 people per room. Please bring your own hygienic set with you!

Few technicalities:
• Tirana is located in the middle west of Albania. It´s 40 min far away from the sea in Durres, that isalso the second biggest city of Albania.
• My Hostel is situated in the city district Don Bosco. By bus it takes 6 min. to the city centre and by foot is about 15 minutes walk.
• Be prepared to be accommodated with 2-3 persons in rooms. The hostel offers free wireless.
• The participants will be mixed nationalities in rooms in order to get to know and learn more about each other.
• Meals are served in the hostel.
• Our working room is near the hostel, 3 min away by walk.
• Beds linen are provided, but you have to bring your own towels.

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