Асоцијацијата за напредок, едукација и лобирање (НЕЛ) од Скопје има потреба од 3 учесници од Македонија за обука на тема „Steping into ACTive CitizenSHIP“, која ќе се одржи во Тирана, Албанија од 22-ри до 30-ти април 2014, во рамките на програмата „Млади во Акција“ (Youth in Action) на Европската Комисија.
Сместувањето и храната се целосно покриени од страна на организаторите, како и 70% од патните трошоци. Учесниците мора да се способни да комуницираат на англиски јазик, бидејќи тој е работен јазик на проектот.
Во продолжение прочитајте повеќе детали за проектот, а доколку сте заинтересирани да учествувате или имате дополнителни прашања испратете мејл на contact@pel.mk со назнака „Обука во Тирана“, најдоцна до 10-ти април.
The project is designed to explore the concept of citizenship in general and European citizenship in particular. The tc is fulfilling needs for gaining knowledge in citizenship education and gain practical tools how to be active citizens and promote active citizenship in local, national and European level using non formal education.
Participants from youth organization will have the opportunity to have better understanding about different kind of citizenship and their role as young generation in building Europe. It is important that we translate theory and practice into reality by exchanging and sharing experiences among one-others.
The methodology that we will use during the training shall raise better understanding about being active citizen, diversity, tolerance; shall increase the capacity of young people to work as multiplier in their country; to consolidate the experience that already exist and develop new ideas and practice.
Objectives of the TC:
– to explore the concept of active citizenship and elements which associate it
to exchange experiences in youth work, discuss about challenging, opportunities and participation of youngsters with fewer opportunities in community life
– to promote active participation of young people in order to strength young people voice using different tools for empowerment
– to contribute to intercultural learning of young people coming from different cultural backgrounds, and to provide opportunity for young people to develop multiplying initiatives to be implemented in their respective countries.
– to build up a network and sustainable partnership among partner organizations for future projects
Participants will be actively involved through experience sharing, preparing materials in advance for sharing their job experience with their colleagues, running workshops and design future projects. Non formal education will be the methodology of the training.Participants profile:
The course is open to youth workers, youth leaders and volunteers in youth organisations, aged 18-35, and interested in topic of our training.Organisers will provide board and lodging between April 22-30 only.
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