Асоцијацијата за напредок, едукација и лобирање (НЕЛ) од Скопје, објавува отворен повик за двајца учесници од Македонија за обука на тема „Surprise with Enterprise“.
Обуката ќе се одржи во Кжижова, Полска од 8-ми до 15-ти април 2015, во рамките на програмата Еразмус+ на Европската Комисија.
Сместувањето и храната се целосно покриени од страна на организаторите, како и патните трошоци до 275 евра. Услов за учество е пријавените да имаат над 18 години и да се способни да комуницираат на англиски јазик, бидејќи тој е работен јазик на проектот.
Во продолжение прочитајте повеќе детали за проектот, а доколку сте заинтересирани да учествувате на обуката, испратете пополнет апликационен формулар или прашање на contact@pel.mk со назнака (subject) „Обука во Кжижова“, најдоцна до 25-ти феврури 2015.
[su_box title=”Потсетување:” style=”glass” box_color=”#c21111″ radius=”0″]Во периодот на одржување на проектот се празнува православниот верски празник Велигден (од 10-ти до 12-ти април).[/su_box]
Summary of the project:
„Surprise with Enterprise” is a training course hosted from 8th to 15th of April 2015 in Krzyżowa, Poland.
The project will gather 24 youth workers and young leaders representing youth organisations which develop and implement local youth activities related to youth unemployment and youth entrepreneurship.
The project will be based on non-formal education methods, such as brainstorming, simulations, working in the groups, discussions, role plays and debates.
Objectives of the project are:
- To educate youth workers about promotion of youth entrepreneurship, motivation of young people, writing business plans and using free resources offered by EU and other stakeholders regarding this topic
- To educate youth workers how to educate young entrepreneurs about starting, maintaining and developing business
- To identify, recognize and compare different issues regarding youth entrepreneurship in different European countries, particularly attitude of young people, society regarding entrepreneurship
- To empower youth organisation and create future project ideas within E+, establish deeper cooperation and ensure follow up activities
- To promote non-formal education as tool for promotion of entrepreneurship, fighting youth unemployment and support for youth business.
Project will have significant impact on youth workers involved and capacities of partner organisations, fighting youth unemployment and social exclusion trough promotion and support of young entrepreneurs in their communities.
The project will be held in a beautiful youth centre in Krzyżowa (http://krzyzowa.org.pl/index.php/en), located around 60 kilometers from Wroclaw.
The small village of Krzyżowa is located in a picturesque valley in Lower Silesia, about 60 km southeast of Wrocław and close to the town Świdnica. The place is rather remote, which makes it a perfect place for youth meetings, seminars and trainings.
Mentioned in and official document for the first time in 1250, the place, where von Moltke family lived since 1867, is known until today for two occasions: On the one hand, the oppositional, German anti-nazi group ”Kreisau Circle” met here during the World War II in 1942 and 43. On the other hand, the ”Mass of Reconciliation” took place on the estate grounds on the 12th of November in 1989. This service was attended by both the Polish and the German heads of government, Tadeusz Mazowiecki and Helmut Kohl, and is nowadays regarded as milestone in Polish German reconciliation.
Transport from Wroclaw to Krzyzowa and back will be organised by TDM2000 Polska Team.