Доколку сте на возраст од 18 до 30 години и имате желба да стекнете нови знаења, искуства и пријателства, тогаш не ја пропуштајте оваа можност да волонтирате два (2) месеца во Хрватска.

Одржива Алтернатива Заједници има потреба од 2 волонтера кој во рамките на Европскиот волонтерски сервис (ЕВС) на програмата Еразмус+ на Европската Комисија ќе помине 2 месеца во Загреб, Хрватска.

Волонтирањето ќе започне од 17-ти септември 2018 и ке трае до 14-ти ноември 2018.

Трошоците за сместување, храна, повратна карта до Загреб како и џепарлак за време на престојот се целосно покриени од страна на организаторите.

Услов за учество на ЕВС проектот е да имате наполнето 18 години и да имате желба и мотивација да работите со локални деца и младинци и ентузијазам за заштита на природата.

Во продолжение прочитајте повеќе информации за проектот, и доколку имате дополнителни прашања, испратете мејл на evs@oazainfo.hr 

Sustainability Quest Re:Boot is a 2-month short term EVS project (17th September 2018 – 14th
November 2018) for 12 volunteers from Czechia, Greece, Italy, Macedonia, Portugal and United
Kingdom. The aim of the project is to mobilise and encourage the young people of Zagreb to actively
engage in sustainable development and sustainability.

The main emphasis will be organising the month-long “Sustainability Challenge” during which we will
motivate the young people to adopt more sustainable habits for a month in the hope that they will
continue them for longer.

The volunteers with support from the staff at O.A.ZA. will design, promote and run the activities. In
previous years this has consisted of workshops about: saving energy/water, vegetarian cooking,
natural cosmetics and others. There may also be workshops held in schools encouraging children at
the youngest level to be sustainable.

You will be given opportunities to explore issues that are personal or of interest to you so that you
can develop your knowledge of sustainability.
In addition the volunteers will be involved our DORM event (Day of Sustainable Development for
Youth.) This event targets young people, teachers, decision makers and NGO workers with workshops
and seminars based around O.A.ZA.s main topics of social entrepreneurship, environmental
protection and personal development with a holistic approach.

There will be visits to local groups and NGOs in Zagreb to better understand the problems that we
face and what is currently being done to promote a sustainable planet.

We encourage each volunteer to set a personal challenge. These are often in relation to sustainability
or future life choices. We will provide assistance and support during the project to help you
accomplish this challenge.

Main tasks of the Volunteer
• Plan the workshops for Sustainability Challenge and DORM event.
• Promote sustainability challenge on social media and engage with local youth.
• Conduct workshops then evaluate them to help future planning.

Required qualities/skills:
• Communicate in English
• Teamwork
• Open-minded
• Ability to work with people from 15-25 years old.
• Passionate about sustainability
• Enthusiasm and commitment to develop yourself both professionally and personally

Desirable qualities/skills:
(We do not expect or require all of you to have these skills as we will have a mix of people with
existing skills and areas which participants would like to develop in.)
• Marketing
• Graphic design
• IT skills
• Photography/Video making

You will be accommodated in a local hostel.The ensuite rooms may be shared with 4-6
other volunteers. There is a fully equipped kitchen, comfortable common space and WiFi for your
This is not a party hostel however it is a perfect place to relax and meet other guests while being
close enough to the centre if you wish to enjoy the nightlife. The hostel is served by night trams to
get you back home safe at whatever time you choose.

During the project you will be provided with a varied fresh vegetarian/vegan meal during the week.
This is prepared by an experienced chef who has worked in restaurants for many years.
We ask participants to try a challenge and go vegetarian or vegan for their time here to see how it
can be when consuming little or no meat then see what benefits it can bring.

You will receive a monthly allowance to cover
the rest of food expenses (Breakfast, dinner and weekends).

You will be provided with a public transport card that covers unlimited free travel on buses and
trams in Zagreb.

Health insurance
You must have an EHIC card (excluding Macedonia.) This will cover most healthcare. In addition, EVS
volunteers are enrolled on supplementary health insurance scheme for any other situations not
covered by the EHIC.

Working hours
As an EVS volunteer you are required to work 6 hours per day. For most days this will be within
O.A.ZAs’ standard office hours of 9am-5pm. Occasionally, we may host events in evenings therefore
require some flexibility.

To be eligible to apply for this EVS you must
-be between ages of 18-30
-have not participated in an EVS before
-be a legal resident of FYR Macedonia

How do you apply
To apply, please download and fill in the application form available at blog.oazainfo.hr/volunteers then send it with a CV to us by mail at evs@oazainfo.hr