Доколку сте на возраст од 18 до 30 години и имате желба да стекнете нови знаења, искуства и пријателства, тогаш не ја пропуштајте оваа можност да волонтирате единаесет (11) месеци во Хрватска.

Асоцијацијата за напредок, едукација и лобирање има потреба од еден волонтер, кој во рамките на Европскиот волонтерски сервис (ЕВС) на програмата Еразмус+ на Европската Комисија ќе помине 11 месеци во Петриња, Хрватска.

Волонтирањето ке започне од 1-ви декември 2018 и ке трае до 31-ви октомври 2019 волонтерот ќе има различни едукативни, социјални и креативни задолженија.

Трошоците за сместување, храна, повратна карта до Петриње, локален превоз, здравствено осигурување, како и џепарлак за време на престојот се целосно покриени од страна на организаторите. Покрај ова, ќе имате можност за бесплатен јазичен курс по хрватски јазик, а на крајот од проектот ќе добиете Youthpass, сертификат кој ќе го потврди вашето волонтерско искуство на европско ниво.

Услов за учество на ЕВС проектот е да имате наполнето 18 години и да имате желба и мотивација да работите со локално население.

Во продолжение прочитајте повеќе информации за проектот, и доколку имате дополнителни прашања, испратете мејл на evs@pel.mk со назнака „ЕВС во Петриња“. Заинтересираните за волонтирањето треба да испратат Биографија и мотивационо писмо најдоцна до 18-ти ноември.

“Solidarity at hand”
European Voluntary Service (volunteering project) – 01/12/2018 – 31/10/2019 (1 volunteer
from each country)

Total number of volunteers: 2
Partner countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

Volunteer tasks:
 work with the most vulnerable groups of citizens in Petrinja, including senior citizens, institutionalized mentally ill individuals, unemployed, long term unemployed, youth with fewer opportunities, minorities, and school children
 organizing activities for elderly and mentally ill adults 2-3 sessions per week
 civic education in rural primary schools up to 2 sessions per week; volunteers will assist in delivering interactive and fun workshops for children to teach them about the values of volunteering for school community development
 volunteers will work in Info and Volunteer center, organize different activities for youth, educational, creative and social events that help young people acquire new information and skills
 organize and implement activities together with our local volunteers: playing bingo, bowling, social games, screening of movies, creative workshops and nature walks
 working in Community center with socially marginalized citizens and youth
 promoting volunteering and Erasmus+
 designing different promotional materials for volunteering, and for project activities
 developing materials for social networks to promote youth mobility projects for young people from 13 years of age
 assisting in developing and organizing activities for the local community together with our youth initiative group ‘’Aktivci’’- these activities can be any kind of creative leisure time activities including workshops, art, music, street art, hip hop culture, alternative sports and hobbies, multicultural theme…etc.
 preparing a multicultural evening to present your country and culture in the community in a creative and fun way
 assisting in organizing info points for youth in the area with our team from the Information center for youth

During the EVS project:
 volunteers will work approximately 6-7 hours per day
 Saturdays and Sunday’s are free unless there are specific project events or important international days on the weekend in which case they will get weekdays off
 Volunteers will have a mentor, who will provide peer support and assist the volunteer in adjusting to their new environment and help the volunteer with the Youthpass
 Mentors are usually local youth volunteers at Association IKS
 Volunteers have a coordinator and supervisor who will be looking after the project and supporting the volunteers’ development

Participation in an EVS project means:
 Commitment to a team experience
 Commitment to working out decisions and problems together
 Completing the entire project
 Being sensitive to problems in the community
 Being open to learning, sharing and developing new skills
 Contributing fully to the work
 Having lots of self motivation and self initiative
 And, of course, having fun! 

Where will we stay, food & free time?
Petrinja is a small town (24,858 inhabitants) in central Croatia, just under 60 km from the Croatian capital Zagreb. It is a microregional centre with good transport connection by bus, near the main railway which connects Zagreb with other parts of Croatia and the borders.

Your accommodation will be near the city centre (short walking distance) and you will share the apartment with other volunteers. The apartment will have bedrooms, a shared kitchen and dining room, bathrooms and everything else that is needed. Your living and food expenses will be paid for by the European Union project funding and you will also receive pocket money each month. With that, you can cook, share your delicious food with other volunteers, enjoy a cup of coffee in our local coffee shops and buy everything you need for your
everyday life.

The official language in our project will be English but you will have a mentor who can help you with learning some everyday phrases to communicate with the locals in shops and cafes or when asking for directions.