Повик за 10 месечен ЕВС проект во Шпанија

Доколку сте на возраст од 18 до 30 години и имате желба да стекнете нови знаења, искуства и пријателства,  тогаш не ја пропуштајте оваа одлична можност да волонтирате десет месеци во Логроњо (Ла Риоха), Шпанија.

Асоцијацијата за напредок, едукација и лобирање – НЕЛ објавува отворен повик за еден волонтер, кој во рамките на Европскиот волонтерски сервис (ЕВС), почнувајќи од 1-ви септември 2015-та до 30-ти јуни 2016-та, ќе волонтира во Асоцијацијата ON&OFF и театарот Динамика.

Трошоците за сместување, храна, повратната карта до Логроњо, локалниот превоз, здравствено осигурување, како и џепарлак за време на престојот се целосно покриени од страна на организаторите преку програмата Еразмус+ на Европската Комисија. Покрај ова, ќе имате можност за бесплатен курс по шпански јазик, а на крајот од проектот ќе добиете Youthpass, сертификат кој ќе го потврди вашето волонтерско искуство и новите вештини и знаења со кои сте се стекнале.

Услови за учество е волонтерот да биде на возраст од 18 до 30 години пред почетоткот на проектот, да има силна желба да земе активно учество при целото времетраење на ЕВС проектот и да биде способен да комуницира на англиски јазик.

Доколку сте заинтересирани да земете учество во овој ЕВС проект, тогаш испратете ваше CV и мотивационо писмо на англиски јазик на evs@pel.mk со назнака „ЕВС во Шпанија“, најдоцна до 4-ти април 2015.

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1. Project details:

Place: Logroño, La Rioja (Spain).

Dates of the service: from the 01/09/2015 till the 30/06/2016 (10 months)

Deadline to apply to the project: 05/04/2015

2. Description of the hosting organisation:

In the year 2000 the youth association ON&OFF was created in Logroño as a non-profit organisation to join together all the ex-students and current students of a local theater school of the same city: Teatro Dinámica (http://www.dinamicateatral.com/). The main aim of ON&OFF is to promote cultural and artistic initiatives, with a lack of political, religious or favorable intentions, and always trying to create an intercultural framework for the participation, understanding and inclusion of all its members, the society of Logroño and the youth in general. According to this the main aims of the organisation are:

  • To join together those young people interested on the theater and drama using learning groups, experimentation and staging.
  • To organize cultural and leisure time activities for youth.
  • To take part on participative events such as meetings, exchanges, contests, etc. at local, national or international level.
  • To cooperate with local entities and administrations on the implementation of theater spectacles at local, national or international level.
  • To carry out training courses, workshops and activities for educating children, youth and adults (intergenerational projects).
  • To create specific working and learning groups for improving staging on any field (lights, sound, atrezzo, etc.).
  • To promote the participation of children and youth in cooperation with the municipality of Logroño and with the Department for Childhood and Youth of the government of La Rioja in order to develop theater contests and performances.
  • To develop participation meetings to allow young people the exchange of good practices, information and personal experiences.
  • To performance open theater plays for private and/or public entities.
  • To manage groups of young people who could take part on initiatives coordinated by other partner organisations out of Logroño (meetings, youth exchanges, seminars, etc.).
  • To organize cultural and free time activities for its members (trips, excursions, visits, camps, etc.).
  • To cooperate on the public events organized every year by the municipality of Logroño (Ex. Christmas or carnival public parades).

Besides these regular objectives and goals, the board of the organisation proposes every year new activities and challenges related to theater and drama that could be considered interesting for the members of the organisation. These new challenges or participation opportunities offer to all the members of ON&OFF new ways of participation and learning, that do not only improve their skills on the theater field, but that also help them to develop their personal competences, self initiative and entrepreneurship. Furthermore, the non-formal and drama methodologies used regularly by the entity, make all its activities accessible and suitable for any kind of users, promoting the participation of young people with fewer opportunities and especially of those with mobility, expression and/or communication difficulties.

ON&OFF has currently 118 official members (15 to 26 years old) who belong to the organisation. Besides them, the entity also has a team of 6 to 10 regular volunteers and trainers who are responsible of supporting the management and implementation of the activities planned every year (no age limits).

Out of these groups, ON&OFF also develops open activities on which other young people of the city can take part even if they are not official members or volunteers of the organisation. The mentioned regular team includes different artistic and professional profiles but all of them related to the field of theater, music or drama. They act as trainers and facilitators for those children and young people who take part on the activities of the organisation and teach them how to share the responsibilities and tasks that must be carried out on the creation of an artistic or theater performance. According to this, the members of the organisation (or children/young people taking part on the activities of ON&OFF) are regularly divided on groups that are coordinated and managed by the mentioned team (Atrezzo, scenery and dressing design group; Scene directors group; Music, sound and lights group; Photography group; and Make-up and hairdressing).

3. Volunteer’s tasks:

ON&OFF will offer a programme of work and activities to be developed by the volunteers who will be hosted and which main aim is to provide them different learning and training opportunities, not only related to the theater and drama field at any level (learning, teaching and performing), but also to the non-profit organisations sector and the management of entities such as ON&OFF (visibility, coordination, participants management, administration, etc.).

Activities proposed:

a) English theater: main activity to be developed by the EVS volunteer and that ON&OFF runs regularly. It is divided in 3 different groups of children who participate on the activities of this programme on several shifts from Monday to Friday (depending on the age of the children they are included in one or another group).The main aim of this activity is to teach children how to use theater and handcrafts to tell stories and make their own games and learning materials but using always English as a communication tool. The role of the volunteer during this activity would be to be part of the team of trainers and local volunteers on:

  • Preparing the workshops and spaces to implement them.
  • Develop new learning materials and teaching techniques.
  • Managing the groups of children (campaigns to recruit new children, registration, design of timetables and activity programmes, parents information sessions, etc.).
  • Running the workshops in a second language with the children.
  • Evaluating the workshops and helping the team of ON&OFF to report the activity.
  • Any kind of tasks related to these workshops and the management of their participants.

b) One-time activities: they are events that the organisation develops every year. The EVS volunteer will help with the preparation of these activities and their implementation as they mean a great effort for the team and members of the entity. Some examples of these activities are: theater festivals, public performances, Christmas parades, travels to other cities, cultural events, exhibitions, etc.

c) Besides these activities and regular programmes of ON&OFF the EVS volunteer will also support the team of the organisation on those tasks related to the general management of the association: Visibility and dissemination campaigns, recruitment of new members and registration, maintenance of the blog and social networks of ON&OFF, regular administration tasks, etc.

d) Open space: Once the hosted volunteer has acquired a good knowledge of the organisation, methodologies and resources, ON&OFF will promote that he/she proposes his/her own activities within the entity.

e) Activities or events to disseminate the EVS and Erasmus+ programme among the members of ON&OFF and Gantalcalá.

4. Practical arrangements:

Volunteers will work on the facilities of ON&OFF located in the city centre of Logroño. The volunteer will regularly work 35 hours per week. He/she will also have 2 free days extra per month.

The volunteer will live with other young people in a shared flat. Costs related to the project will be covered by the Erasmus+ programme as established by the Spanish National Agency.[/symple_toggle]


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