PEL team on a youth exchange in Tirana

The Youth Exchange “Festival of common Values” took place in Tirana from 2nd to 10th of June 2014. It was organised by the “Youth 4 Society” organisation from Albania, and PEL participated as the organisation representing Macedonia. Apart from Macedonia and Albania, there were also participants from Greece, Croatia, Kosovo, Turkey and Italy.

Youth Exchange “Festival of common Values"The venue where the exchange took place was a nice little hostel in Tirana, which was the place where we slept, ate and had our workshops at the same time.

The goal of this project was to promote anti-discrimination in society and bring together the different cultures, realities and identities of Europe. With that aim we held workshops where we talked about the meaning of identity, the problems with discrimination that each country faces, and we also conducted a survey with the citizens of the neighbouring city of Durres (which is the second largest city in Albania after Tirana) about the reality of minorities and discrimination in their city.

Youth Exchange “Festival of common Values"Apart from Durres and Tirana, we also visited the Dajti mountain complex and the city of Kruja, an important historical heritage site of Albania.

Youth Exchange “Festival of common Values"Our final activity was held in Tirana’s park, where in an innovative way we promoted anti-discrimination to the local citizens, showing them our creations (photos, posters, acting exhibition and a song) which were aimed at one discriminated group each.

Youth Exchange “Festival of common Values"

It was a wonderful project with a lot of communication and sharing of experiences between the participants themselves, but also with the locals.

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One comment to “PEL team on a youth exchange in Tirana”
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