Association for progress, education and lobbying – PEL is looking for partners from all Erasmus+ Programme Countries and Partner Countries from South East Europe for a project that we will apply in our NA on 17th of March 2014.
The seminar “Democratic Participation: Youth for Human Rights” will gather 30 youth workers active in civic education and human right education on local, national and European level to share approaches on youth empowerment and youth participation.
If you want to be partners on our project, then send us an email to with filled PIF (Partner Identification Form) that you can find below, as soon as possible.
Below you can read more about the project we plan to apply.
The start point for the mutual learning process of the promoters will be a conceptual understanding on interdependencies between human rights, democracy and sustainable development. Therefore, the participants will look together on different theories of democratic participation, approaches to human rights protection and put those into a common framework of the role of civil society and its central actors – social movements and associations – in fostering sustainable and stable democracies.
In a second step, the seminar will provide space to analyse current situation of human right violations and opportunities for youth participation in the partner countries with the aim to create easy and practicable analytical schemes helping activist to identify crucial structural shortcomings limiting youth inclusion and participation in their communities.
In a third step, practises and methodologies of the involved promoters will be shared in mutual process of sharing and learning. This stage of the seminar also includes meetings with local Human Right Defenders in Macedonia and organisations working on the inclusion of minorities.
To conclude on the made learning process and the new experiences, the participants will transform their insights into youth-based, participatory and inclusive projects fostering democratic participation in their cities, countries and in Europe.
- 7 days (excluding arrival and departure)
- 2-3 participants per organisation/ country
Potential Partner Countries:
- All Erasmus+ Programme Countries and Partner Countries from South East Europe
- As the project seeks funding by the Erasmus+ Programme, the organisers will provide accommodation and food. 70% of the travel costs to the venue and back will be reimbursed up to the maximum of the amount indicated by the distance calculator provide by the EC.