Доколку сте на возраст од 18 до 30 години и имате желба да стекнете нови знаења, искуства и пријателства, тогаш не пропуштајте ја оваа можност да волонтирате девет (9) месеци во Хрватска.
Асоцијацијата за напредок, едукација и лобирање НЕЛ – Скопје има потреба од двајца волонтери, кои во рамките на Европскиот волонтерски сервис (ЕВС) на програмата Еразмус+ на Европската Комисија ќе поминат 9 месеци во Загреб, Хрватска.
Волонтирањето ќе започне од 1-ви октомври 2019.
Трошоците за сместување, храна, повратна карта до Загреб, локален превоз, здравствено осигурување, како и џепарлак за време на престојот се целосно покриени од страна на организаторите. Покрај ова, ќе имате можност за бесплатен јазичен курс по хрватски јазик, а на крајот од проектот ќе добиете Youthpass, сертификат кој ќе го потврди вашето волонтерско искуство на европско ниво.
Услов за учество на ЕВС проектот е да имате наполнето 18 години и да имате желба да ги извршувате сите активности и задачи во текот на волонтирањето.
Во продолжение прочитајте повеќе информации за проектот, и доколку имате дополнителни прашања, испратете мејл на evs@pel.mk со назнака „ЕВС во Загреб“. Заинтересираните за волонтирањето треба да испратат Биографија и мотивационо писмо на англиски јазик.
About the project
The project is designed to encourage voluntary experience for young people providing support for vulnerable groups: for elder, disabled, people who suffer from malignant diseases, socially vulnerable.
The aim of the activities is to improve skills and competencies of volunteers, through practical engagement and non-formal learning methods. Through activities we will encourage the volunteers to participate in community, to be active, to develop empathy for the socially vulnerable groups and to promote social inclusion and solidarity.
Through this project we will ensure a permanent transfer of knowledge, which will be confirmed by Youthpass and with experience of volunteers. This will improve the possibility for the volunteer’s employment in their countries and in Europe. The intention is to involve young people who live in difficult social conditions, geographically distant from major cities and / or who left school or have a low education level/ are still in educational process. Through the project we want to provide an opportunity for learning, innovation and discovering their own potential, which volunteers will use after the project’s ending. We will seek to influence and to acquire skills that will help volunteers in employment.
We will create a connection between the younger and elder generations, and thus enable intergenerational solidarity and raise the awareness of multiculturalism.
Project activities:
Primary activities:
– work on charity stand in shopping centers
– work in Donation center
– work on stands in public areas
Voluntary work in gathering donations on the stand in shopping malls, Donation center and public areas in Zagreb. Volunteers will collect donations from citizens in order to help children, youth and families with malignant diseases and socially disadvantaged, and also promote Circles and inform citizens about your and Circles activities.
- Support for socially excluded groups: users with malignant diseases, socially excluded users, elder and disabled users.
- Home visits
- Accompaniment to doctor and hospital
- Easy housework (vacuuming, cleaning dust, washing dishes)
- Walking, talking, listening
- Bringing medicine and groceries
- Participating in creative workshops / group work with elder people
Every visit lasts for 1- 2 hours.
Secondary activities:
- Work in office
– Editing web and Facebook pages, Youtube channel
– Writing articles for blog and editing Blog page
– Editing photos in Photoshop for Web shop
– preparing flyers, posters, promoting material
– Participating in organizing Manifestations
– Participating on team meetings, educations, supervisions of volunteers, workshops, evaluations, reflections
- Work with children and youth.
Technical support on workshops, preparing and organizing workshop for children/youth – creative workshops, self-improvement, tolerance, multicultural awareness, anti-bullying, mind-fullness.
What we look for in participant:
- Motivation for the project activities and project users
- Ability to live with at least three flat mates
- Willing to share a room with one participant /same sex/
- Between 18-30 years old
- You haven’t participated in long-term EVS project before
- You have no Criminal Record
- You don’t have chronic diseases and/or serious psychical/ physical illness
- Plus is if you have experience in working with elder/disabled/socially vulnerable people
- Basic knowledge in English language