Асоцијацијата за напредок, едукација и лобирање (НЕЛ) од Скопје има потреба од 5 учесници од Македонија за третиот и последен настан во рамките на проектот „From YU to EU“, кој ќе се одржи во Марибор, Словенија од 6-ти до 10-ти април 2014.
Храната и сместувањето се целосно покриени од страна на организаторите, додека патните трошоци ги покриваат самите учесници. Учесниците треба да имаат наполнето 18 години и мора да се способни да комуницираат на англиски јазик, бидејќи тој е работен јазик за време на проектот.
Во продолжение прочитајте повеќе детали за проектот и претходно организираните настани, а можете да ја посетите и веб страницата направена за проектот.
Доколку сте заинтересирани да учествувате на последниот настан или имате дополнителни прашања контактирајте нѐ на contact@pel.mk со назнака „Проект во Марибор“.
Project “From YU to EU” aims to strengthen the bonds between twinned towns and other former Yugoslavian Republic, by long-term and productive cooperation in the field of employment. Activities of the project, that is funded from the Europe for citizens programme, include 3 meetings of the project partners. Two were already held in Maribor.
“From YU to EU” – Completion and strategy for the future within the Europe for Citizens Program. The program will feature evaluation of the first and second event and planning possible cooperation in the future. The final event will also include a more casual program including sightseeing, visiting local NGO’s, a tour of the Old Vine House (the oldest vine in the world) with wine tasting, cultural events and socializing.
1stevent: Europe – employment – European citizenship
First event that was held in Maribor from 30th of September till 4th of October 2013 was focused on youth unemployment in Maribor, Slovenia and partner cities. Among presentations of the employment situations in partner countries participants took sessions on European union, its institutions and policies addressing youth unemployment. They focused on the role of youth organizations and advocacy on youth employment and took European citizenship workshops. The most memorable presentation was the one held by Employment service of Slovenia (Maribor unit), that presented the role of employment service and its good practices on fostering employment of the young people. All sessions were twisted with more relaxed activities, such as Maribor city tour and the visit to the new Faculty of medicine in Maribor.
2nd event: Employment in SIovenia, EU and partner countries
The second event was held in Maribor from 1st of December till 5th of December 2013. It was focused on youth unemployment with issues such as The role of youth NGO in fostering youth employment; Addressingyouth (un)employment in Slovenia; Local youth policyand local measures fostering youth employment. Sessions were held by different speakers such as director of the Office of the Republic of Slovenia for youth, the director of ZavodNefiks and other experienced youth policy workers from Slovenia. The second day was dedicated to Youth 2010 and Youth 2013 research outcomes, which were presented by researchers from the University of Maribor. In the last day, participants experienced the preparation and the content of local youth strategies and the importance of youth participation in decision making processes on local level. All sessions were, as in the first event, twisted with more relaxed activities: cultural events in Maribor, Opening of the Exhibition, Musical, etc.
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Асоцијација НЕЛ
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